Oh boy
As of 2am today, I have finally depleted my sleep tolerance and now am at an abysmal level of below zero sleep tolerance. Those units are completely arbitrary. Alas, the dark maiden retires to her...
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I see my reader’s circle expanding However, I have nothing remotely profound to add on the day’s events for now. A-napping I will go instead!
View ArticleYou wonder
I figured I misjudged Mr Sexual Tension a lot. Today’s journey back provided much insight into his psyche. Maybe he isn’t a blithering woman-driven idiot after all. He’s actually quite nice! The Tamil...
View ArticleDing!
It’s terribly difficult for me to be open and vulnerable with someone. Came across a heart-rendering tweet by an old friend that sparked this epiphany. “Dear soulmate. I know you’re out there. Please...
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